Thursday, 7 October 2010

Filming Process

Our filming process went reasonably well due to the fact that we filmed all the shots required, and the two characters both wore suitable clothing, and we had all the props needed. Although we got all the shots we needed filmed, we spent some time at the start of out filming time sorting out props; therefore we lost some time of actual filming. I felt that if we had of sorted out some props before this, we could of filmed more attentively and more thoroughly- therefore being able to shoot each shot lots of times, and experimenting with angles and ways to film. Another problem we found whilst filming was that there was music in our venue playing on a pa system. The music was not to loud so we could hear the dialogue but I noticed that if the music was playing than in each shot we would hear a different part of the song playing- therefore ruining the continuation of our task which was one of the main aspects.  This was the biggest predicament we faced. Whilst planning our task we wanted to have completely diegetic sound (other than music at the start) which is what we planned on our story bored and animatic, but due to this problem we could no longer have diegetic sound and no longer hear what the actors are hearing such as a bag being pushed or a zip being opened. This problem meant that whilst editing our task we would have to mute the film and re record the dialogue on a Dictaphone, up load onto the computer and than sync it with the action.  From this filming process I have learnt to make sure I am completely prepared in all areas before filming. This includes props, costume and location. Also I must make sure that I take all things into account before making a decision on anything and fully researching my venue before choosing it.