Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Character and Actor profiles for opening

In the opening the only character introduced is Oliver, the main character. I have chosen a close freind Chris Bainbridge to play the character of Oliver.


My friend Chris is 17 and lives in my town. He is currently studying drama at a- level, so therefore he will be able to act well enough to make my opening believable. I have known Chris for a long time, so therefore I think we will be able to work professionally together and will not be side tracked. Chris has the certain look that I am going for regarding my character. His style will attract my target audience and it also suits the style and tone of my film. Chris has similar interests and ideas as me, so therefore i feel he will be able to grasp my film idea well, and interpret my character authentically.

Oliver- character profile

Oliver is a 19 year old male who dropped out of school when he was sixteen with little qualifications. He had a privileged middle class up bringing, but his rebellious nature stopped him getting on with his parents and therefore he moved out of home when he was 16- not hearing from them since. Although my audience research showed that audiences would prefer the character to be lower/ middle class, i chose my character to slightly more privileged in the past, to show a contrast with his cheap life now.  When he moved out he took all the money he had with him, and when he turned 18 he was able to access a trust fund which has been set up for him. Since moving out of home, he had a short stint in a youth hostel, before leaving there starting to live un- lawfully. Oliver hitch hikes around from place to place, sometimes staying with generous people but most of the time breaking in to houses which have been left alone whilst the family is on holiday. After living like this for 3 years Oliver decides to contact his cousin who lives in Edinburgh- the first time e has spoken to his famly in years. He asks if he could go up there and live with him, and start to make a life for him self. The cousin agrees happily and swears to secrecy. All this is previous to my story starting.

Oliver is very free willing ad easy going. But is not happy being the little man. This story shows his 'coming of age' and how his character grows from a child to a man. His mannerisms are very subtle, as he is not very loud at the beginning of the film. I want him to give the impression of being happy with himself, and enjoying his own company.